HIRDA, together with five other NGOs, is part of the IMPACT Alliance led by Oxfam Novib. In cooperation with Butterfly Works, SOMO, 1% Club and Fairfood, we aim to fight poverty with innovative methods, like web 2.0 resources.
Besides the Impact Alliance organisations, HIRDA works closely with the following partners to alleviate human suffering in Somalia;

UNICEF Somalia
UNICEF Somalia focuses on child survival with programmes covering health and nutrition, water supply, sanitation and hygiene, basic education and youth development. In 2003, HIRDA entered into a partnership with UNICEF Somalia to work on the management of PFE Mentors, NFE Mentors, and CEC Mobilisers in the Gedo region. These Mentors and Mobilisers supply and distribute school kits throughout the region. UNICEF Somalia also assists local communities in establishing school rehabilitation programmes. Together, HIRDA and UNICEF Somalia improve the quality of the teachers, head teachers, and supervisors, and, subsequently, empower parents and community awareness about education.

Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib fights together with people, organisations, businesses and governments for a just world without poverty. HIRDA partnered with Oxfam Novib in 1999. Since then, the two organisations have worked together in the social service sector, providing basic education and healthcare in Somalia. HIRDA also receives financial support from Oxfam Novib. Since 2011, HIRDA is part of the IMPACT Alliance, led by Oxfam Novib, through which it receives structural funding from MFSII. Achmea Foundation

Achmea Foundation
Achmea donates a half percentage of its profit to the Achmea Foundation that supports selected charity organisations. HIRDA is proud to be one of these NGOs, and received funding for its school hygiene project.
Somali Relief Fund
The Somali Relief Fund (SRF) addresses urgent refugee crisis’s in Somalia and provides relief to these people. The collaboration between HIRDA and SRF started in 2002, when HIRDA implemented a water project funded by SRF. Subsequently, SRF continued and expanded maintenance of the water supply. HIRDA and SRF work together on water supply, primary education, relief activities, fundraising, and community mobilization. A relief operation fund has been set up to help people affected by drought and flooding in Southern Somalia. Further, the establishment of a health clinic was made possible by the funding from SRF.

International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) aims to empower poor rural people in developing countries in achieving higher incomes and improved food security. IFAD supported HIRDA with the project ‘Banking groceries: Remittance transmission to rural areas’. The objective was to enable the rural remittance recipients to receive their financial support in a safe, inexpensive and efficient way, which does not require the recipients to travel to urban areas. With the support of IFAD, remittances were made safely and quickly available at shops in three villages in the Gedo region.
Adar Foundation
The Adar Foundation provides services and support to Somalis in the United States and abroad.
American Relief Agency for Horn of AfricaAmerican Relief Agency for Horn of Africa (ARAHA), aims to improve the overall economic and social wellbeing of East African immigrants in Minnesota, USA as well as of the people in the Horn of Africa. ARAHA provides food and shelter to people affected by disasters.
Nike Company supports HIRDA by providing sports kit and accessories annually which HIRDA donates to Somali schools and football teams.
The following organisations have enabled HIRDA to extend its relief projects to children in IDP camps who fled their homes because of the extreme drought that hit their regions in 2011;
Comic Relief UK
Comic Relief is a charity organisation based in the UK that strives to create a just world free from poverty. Their mission is to drive positive change through the power of entertainment.
Comic Relief was the first donor to promptly respond to our call in 2011 for the support of the people that were hit by the extreme drought in Somalia. With the support of Comic relief, HIRDA was able to help internally displaced people in Beled Hawo. HIRDA constructed 30 latrines and 4 water tanks that were installed in the camps in order to improve the living condition of the IDPs.
International Development and Relief Foundation
International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) is an NGO based in Canada that’s dedicated to empowering the disadvantaged people in the world through emergency relief and participatory development programmes.
Human Concern International
Human Concern International (HCI) is a federally registered Canadian charity dedicated to helping alleviate human suffering through sustainable development and emergency relief projects.
The Europe-Third World Association (ETWA) is a group established in 1999 with the goal to raise the awareness of EPO (European Patent Office) staff on the problems in developing countries.
From the following funding organisations, HIRDA receives financial support for its project Resilience through Sports, which brings Somali refugees from different backgrounds together through soccer and informs them on the job opportunities in the Netherlands;
Oranje Fonds
The Oranje Fonds is a Dutch national fund that supports projects in the field of social cohesion and social participation. Oranje Fonds provides HIRDA with financial support for the project Resilience through Sports.
Skanfonds gives vulnerable people the chance to participate in society, in order to improve their quality of life. Skanfonds also supports HIRDA’s project Resilience through Sports.
VSB fonds
The VSB fonds strives for a society where everyone participates, and where every person finds recognition, is able to develop himself and is part and parcel of the larger society. VSB fonds provides financial support to HIRDA’s project Resilience through Sports.
The Maagdenhuis is a fund in Amsterdam that supports social initiatives. HIRDA also receives from this fund support for its project Resilience through Sports.