
In Somalia and among Somali ethnic groups in neighbouring countries (Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti), enrolment rates in primary education are still very low. Thanks to a history of war, the Horn of Africa is an unstable and undeveloped region. Educational infrastructure is needed and poverty poses a challenge as far as the payment of school fees is concerned.
Equal opportunities for boys and girls
In Somalia, boys and girls do not have equal access to available opportunities. And, the same goes for access to education. There is a huge gap in attendance rates of boys and girls in all levels of education. HIRDA aims to give school-aged children, especially girls, their fundamental right to education and create better perspectives for their future.
HIRDA’s main objectives are to:
- Create a more child friendly learning environment.
- Improve education opportunities for school aged and deprived children.
- Enhance the quality of teachers.
- Harmonize the different school curricula into one single curriculum.
- Raise community awareness on the importance of education.
- Increase the enrolment in secondary schools.
HIRDA supports several schools in different regions of Somalia. Projects have been initiated in Mogadishu, Bardera, Beledweyn, Burco, Abudwak, Baydhabo, Gedo and Kismaio. On several projects, HIRDA cooperates with partners like Oxfam Novib and UNICEF to ensure a more effective approach. To get an insight into HIRDA’s projects, please click on one of the projects in the right column to read more about HIRDA’s contributions to the Somali education system.